# Flower Shop Functions by Rabab Rahman # Monday, April 27th, 2020 def instructions():#This function currently being defined to get the programmer's name and tells the steps to pass this program print("Welcome to flower shop, Programmed by Rabab") print("In order to pass this program, enter the values below.") instructions() #Displays the programmer's name and tells the user on how to pass the program. def employee():#employee is the called function firstName = input("Enter Employee's First Name: ") idNum = float(input("Enter Employee's ID Number: ")) # used float instead of input If the user enters a decimal number print("Employee name:", firstName) print("Employee ID:", idNum) #Displays the user's first name and ID number employee() def sale(): flowerNum = int(input('How many flowers would you like to order?')) # Adding up the price of flower with the GST and the shipping charge price = 3.5 total = flowerNum * price # 3.50 is the price of one flower gst = total * 0.05 shipCharge = 2 grandPurchase = total + gst + shipCharge print("Your total price including shipping is:",grandPurchase) sale() #The next entry gives the user a chance to countinue on with the program: userEntry= input("Do you wish to continue, Type Y [Yes] for another transaction or any other key to exit)?: ") #Re-Entering the same values in the beginning of the program: while userEntry=="Y": # It will be in the loop when user wants to continue employee() sale() userEntry= input("Do you wish to continue, Type Y [Yes] for another transaction or any other key to exit)?:") #while userEntry=="No": # break print("Thank you for participating in this program.") print("GoodBye") #END PROGRAM #Edited for final submissions on Thursday, April 30th, 2020 #Finalized on Saturday May 2nd, 2020